Privacy Policy

Last updated: February 16th, 2024

Gospel Impact takes privacy very seriously and will process and use information about individuals in a safe way. In this privacy policy, we explain which data we process and for what purpose we do so. In addition, you can read about your rights with regard to the processing of personal data in this privacy policy.

If you have any questions, you can always contact us at This privacy policy is specific to the use of this application.

Who is Gospel Impact?

Gospel Impact was founded to reach as many people as possible with the good news of Jesus Christ and it equips believers to do the same.

God loves you and created you for a personal relationship with Him. Gospel Impact wants to help you get to know God.

What personal data do we process and why?

We process your IP address and User Agent when you visit this application. These are automatically sent by your internet browser when visiting this application. This data is processed to analyze the use of the app and to improve the app.

How long do we process this personal data and how do we protect it?

The personal data will not be retained longer than necessary for the services of Gospel Impact. Personal data is stored in secure and encrypted databases that are only accessible after login by authorized people. This application is secured by TLS (formerly SSL). You can see this in the address bar (starting with https://) and the padlock in the address bar.

What are your rights?

  • You have the right to obtain your personal data from us. We will provide it in a structured and common format (such as JSON), which can be easily opened in other common digital systems. This way, you can also transfer your data to another provider.
  • In all cases where the basis for a certain data processing is your consent, you have the right to withdraw that consent. This has no consequences for the past, but does mean that we may no longer process that data. This may mean that we cannot provide certain services anymore. You can contact us using the contact details at the top of this privacy policy.
  • A request can be sent to the contact information at the top of this privacy policy. We will fulfill your request as soon as possible and in any case no later than one (1) month after we have received your request, we will contact you. If we reject your request, we will indicate in our response why the request is rejected.
  • Do you think we are not acting in accordance with privacy legislation? Then we would like to hear about it. You can also file a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens or "AP").

Third Parties

This application uses technical services (hosting) from SyS-F. You can find the privacy statement of SyS-F here. Personal data is not provided to third parties.


We use cookies in this application. This is necessary to validate and secure data. These are cookies with purely technical functionality. The application does not use so-called "tracking" cookies or cookies used for marketing purposes. We therefore do not need to ask for your explicit consent.

Third-party cookies are also placed in the application. These are, for example, cookies from third-party software that is being used. Gospel Impact has no control over what these third parties do with their cookies, but you can opt out. See for an explanation: